More Complementary Videos: Unlock Your Energy.
- The System Is Busted
- Your Symptoms & Struggles
- The Eight Energy-Destroyers
- Step 1: Chemical Detox Plan
- Step 2: Beware Of Microplastics
- Step 3: Omega-3 Index Detox
- Step 4: nnEMF Detox Plan
- Step 5: Circadian Rhythm Basics
- Consider joining our community to access the below steps
- Sunrise and EZ Water and Redox
- UVA for fat loss and cravings
- UVB: Pre-vitamin-D, melanin and POMC
- The Circiadian Plan
- Step 6: Nutrition Basics
- Meal Timing and Fasting for optimal testosterone
- Carnivore or keto
- DNA Enhanced
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The Problems with Plastics
0:00 – A study showed a 1200% increase in urinary BPA from just five days of canned soup. Result? Messed up hormones—low testosterone and imbalanced thyroid. Plastics aren’t just in the ocean; they’re in us. We could be eating a credit card’s worth of plastic every week.
1:14 – Microplastics are tiny plastic particles, often 1000 times smaller than a grain of sand. They come from cosmetics, single-use plastics, and synthetic fabrics—breaking down over time and sneaking into our food, water, and air.
8:48 – We consume around 120,000 microplastic particles annually. They’re in seafood, veggies, even the air from tire dust and synthetic clothing. Microplastics bioaccumulate in our organs, causing inflammation—impacting lungs, liver, brain, and more.
9:04 – These particles lead to inflammation in the lungs (think asthma, COPD), and they can cross the blood-brain barrier—linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more. Endocrine disruptors like BPA also mess with hormones, impacting fertility in both men and women.
10:43 – Microplastics affect male sperm count and motility and disrupt female hormone balance—making it harder to conceive. During pregnancy, BPA exposure can cause hormone issues for the mother and behavioral problems in children.
12:53 – Prenatal exposure to phthalates impacts baby boys’ reproductive health. It’s overwhelming, but not hopeless—we can take action.
Action Steps to Avoid Plastics
12:53 – Filter tap water with a reverse osmosis system to remove microplastics.
16:14 – Choose fresh, unpackaged foods. Avoid canned goods lined with BPA/BPS. Never heat food in plastic—switch to cookware like cast iron or stainless steel.
16:14 – Avoid touching thermal receipts—they’re loaded with BPA. Choose digital receipts whenever possible.
16:14 – Reduce airborne plastics with an air purifier that has a HEPA filter.
17:55 – Wear natural fibers, and catch microfibers during laundry with a Guppy Friend bag. Detox with sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables, eat fiber to bind toxins, and sweat it out with exercise or sauna sessions.
19:53 – Knowledge is power. Filter your water, make informed choices, and support research. Every step counts toward keeping plastics out of your body.